Silane modified polymers, also known as silane terminated polymers, are a revolutionary type of polymer that has been infused with silane molecules. These tiny molecules act as a bridge between the polymer and other materials, which leads to SMP technology providing a host of benefits that make them stand out from traditional polymers.


One of the most important advantages of silane modified polymers is their incredible adhesion capabilities. The silane molecules act as a bonding agent between the polymer and other materials, creating an immensely strong bond. This makes the final product not only stronger but also more durable, able to withstand the toughest conditions. The improvement in adhesion is particularly useful in the construction industry, where strong and durable adhesives are needed for various applications, such as bonding building materials, like concrete and wood, or in the automotive industry, where adhesives are used to assemble various parts of a car.


Another advantage that silane modified polymers boast is their superior weathering resistance. The silane molecules protect the polymer from UV rays and other environmental factors, making sure that the product won’t degrade or deteriorate over time. It also has great resistance to colder conditions. This means that the product will last longer and remain in excellent condition, even when exposed to harsh weather conditions. This feature makes silane modified polymers a perfect choice for outdoor applications, such as coatings for buildings and infrastructure, or for products that will be exposed to the elements, such as roofing materials, and windows.


SMP’s also have better mechanical properties. The silane molecules improve the flexibility and toughness of the polymer, making it more resistant to cracking and breaking. This means that the product will be able to withstand more stress and pressure, making it ideal for use in heavy-duty applications. The improved mechanical properties also make silane modified polymers suitable for applications that require high impact resistance and flexibility, such as sports equipment, and industrial machinery.


Silane modified polymers also have improved electrical properties, making them perfect for use in electrical applications such as insulation and wire coatings. This means that they can be used in a variety of electrical products, ensuring that they are safe and reliable. The improved electrical properties are particularly useful in the electrical and electronics industry, where products need to be able to withstand high voltage and current, and also to prevent electrical leakage.


SMP’s also contain low VOC levels, making them environmentally friendly. In addition to this they require less preparation before use, as no primers are needed when using SMP products. This saves on both time and cost, making them an economical option.


With their superior adhesion, weathering resistance, mechanical properties, electrical properties, and versatility, silane modified polymers offer a host of benefits that make them stand out from traditional polymers. They are a valuable option for many different applications, and their potential is still growing. As the demand for stronger, more durable and versatile products continues to grow, silane modified polymers will play an increasingly important role in meeting that demand. Their ability to improve the performance of polymers in various applications makes them a valuable and cost-effective option for many industries.


In summary, silane modified polymers offer a number of advantages over traditional polymers – With their improved adhesion, weathering resistance, mechanical properties, electrical properties, and versatility, silane modified polymers are a valuable option for many different applications.


For further information on SMP technology, and which products will be suitable, please get in touch via phone or email, or send us a request via our contact us page.