Description #
In this video we will be breaking down the top 5 pipe joining mistakes that we come across often, and how to fix them (or have them not happen at all!)Make sure you watch right through to the end to make sure the pipes you install are joined correctly, and that you don't fall into the trap of making any of these mistakes.Happy Joining!
Transcript #
Hello and welcome to the last video in our Plumbers Principles miniseries. Today we're
going to go through the top five pipe joining mistakes we see and how to solve them so let's
jump right in. One the most common mistakes when pipe jointing is not allowing for a full cure.
Always be sure to follow the guidelines on the TDS allowing, 24 hours prior to the pressurizing of
the pipes. If you don't wait the full 24 hours you run the risk of the joint separating, pin
hole leaks, or worse. Always refer to the product TDS before using to double check your times. Two,
the next point is checking the glue hasn't gone bad. It's essential to keep the lid tightly on Red
Prime and Blue Glue Type N when not in use. If the lid is kept open or slightly a jar, evaporation
of the solvents will affect the quality and performance of the glue. So this is why it's
important to always close the lids properly on your cements and obviously store them properly
as well, because if not and air gets to it, it can congeal like this and obviously it won't work as
it's supposed to. Basically you do need to have a nice fluid consistency to be able to coat the
PVC and work properly. As you can see here this is already congealed so this is no good. Consistency
is important to keep in mind, Blue Glue Type N should have a syrup like consistency. If the
glue has a lumpy or jelly like consistency do not use it and replace with a new one. Three, leaving
it too long to join after applying the glue. This should be done within seconds of applying
the pipe cement. When working with PVC you need to ensure you work quickly to ensure that the acetone
inside the cement doesn't evaporate, which will make it dry up very fast. There's about a 5 to
10 second window you have to combine the joint and pipe together. A trick to speed up the process is
to dry fit everything together first, and then make reference marks on each piece of PVC. For
large pipes, having two applicators can speed up the process if needed. Four, ensuring full
coverage and not putting enough on. It's essential to make sure that there is enough glue applied to
the PVC or it will not adhere properly. You don't want to saturate it to the point it's dripping or
hard to manage, but make sure there is a thin and even spread. Five, ensure both sides of the joint
are covered. Following on from the last point, a common mistake we see is not applying a glue
to both the pipe and fitting. Applying the glue to only one surface, either the joint fitting or the
pipe, may be a time-saving measure but you'll find that the adhesion is just not as good as when you
apply to both surfaces. The cement glue acts as a lubricant to help the fitting slide on, so if
you're applying the glue to only one surface you run the risk of the joint leaking. Hopefully these
tips have been helpful - and if you have made any of these mistakes you now know how how to remedy
them. Thanks again for joining us on the plumbers principal miniseries, and we'll see you next time.