Mastik Tile Adhesive

RLA Mastik is an economical, flexible polymer modified adhesive with great mastic properties for bonding most types of ceramic and porcelain tiles (with the exception of moisture sensitive stone and marbles) over concrete, cement render, rendered brickwork, blockwork, gyprock, plasterboard, fibre cement sheeting & RLA approved waterproofing membranes.

Mastik is classified as a C2S1ET adhesive.

Joins a range of Respirable Crystalline Silica free products. Additionally, Mastik is also green tag certified. Helping provide you with a greener solution for your builds.


Mastik Technical Data Sheet Download


Mastik Technical Data Sheet Download

Green Tag PHD Certification

Green Tag PHD Certificate

Silica Free

RLA Polymers’ range of powder solutions are classified as free from respirable crystalline
silica (RCS) hazards*, ensuring that mixing & application poses no threat of exposure
to dangerous levels of RCS.

At RLA, we are dedicated to surpassing the hazardous requirements for RCS levels,
guaranteeing the safety of our products.

In addition, we recommend the use of a PPE & dust masks due to the cementitious
nature of the product. Always adhere to safety directives, in the products Safety Data
Sheet (SDS) and consult the product’s Technical Data Sheet (TDS) prior to application.

*Silica (Respirable Crystaline Fraction) levels are below the concentration limit for carcinogens (0.1%) as
per schedule 6 of the Model Work Health Safety Regulations 2023.